Detecting species of interest
Our single-species eDNA tests have the fastest turnaround time, with results within 5 working days. These tests are most suitable for when you need to confirm the presence or absence of up to four specific species, or need a rapid turnaround.

Multi-species detection and biomonitoring
Metabarcoding detection of species in the following groups: fish, mammals, invertebrates, amphibians, bacteria and fungi

Invasive non-native species
Find out more about our suite of qPCR assays for both marine and freshwater invasive non-native species (INNS).

Size matters: mtDNA
Sometimes, a short marker like those used in DNA barcoding and metabarcoding isn't quite enough to answer your questions about a specimen.
We also offer full mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) sequencing for specimens. This can open up options for population studies and preserve additional genetic information about a sample for the future. It is often more cost-effective than sequencing multiple separate genes of interest.